
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

6:17 PM >> Omelette Happy

A wonderful omelette. I've had a couple of days off work now, which has given me some time to make some really yummy omelettes. At first they were mushrooms onions and tomatoes and parmesean cheese. And of course with fresh basil and thyme. Then I ran out of mushrooms. So I started adding some leftover roast chicken. Then I discovered that I had some fresh oregano also. I started using that too. Then I ran out of onions. That's when I switched to scallions. So the last one that I had this morning was scallions, roast chicken, tomato, and I had just purchased some pepper jack cheese, which was perfect cause I was getting tired of the parm. The pepper jack worked perfectly. It had a really nice melt to it. I think I'm going to give the omelettes a rest for a few days though.

The biscuit with orange looking stuff on it is a biscuit with papaya jelly that I made. The jelly is so perfect and goes great on a fluffy biscuit. I haven't tried it yet on toast. The picture below will give you an idea of the papaya stuff I've been doing. I learned this papaya in syrup thing from my Aunt. It's a traditional Puerto Rican dish I guess. That's where she's from. And that's where I first had it. It is usually served on top of cheese (white cheese). I have found that it is also excellent warmed in the mircowave and put over ice cream.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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