
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

10:29 PM >> The Summer 13lb. Roast Turkey Project >> Update.B

The Summer Turkey Project is well underway now. I want to point out first an unprecedented commingling of food projects that coincidentally occurred. M4, my turkey pot pie, was both a contender in the current turkey project and the 5 pie project that are going on.

M5 I just love because it was a little present to my middle brother for loaning me the pan that I roasted the turkey in. He is fastly surpassing me in cooking skills. He's taken a knife chopping class, he goes to Bed Bath and Beyond more frequently that me, he's got a roasting pan, and he watches more Food Network than I do.

Here's the latest items I've eaten:
M3 (6/24/2007) More late night snacking.
M4 (6/25/2007) Turkey Pot Pie (*). Dark meat turkey with cream of mushroom and garden mix vegetables. Seasoned with salt, pepper, thyme, and parsley flakes. All placed in a pie crust and topped with more pie crust, and baked.
M5 (6/26/2007) Middle Brother Charity Ration. Dusty loaned me the roasting pan to cook the turkey so I felt morally obligated to give a sample of the turkey that he helped birth. Just a couple of hefty pieces of white meat.
M6 (6/27/2007) Turkey Pot Pie (*) and a banana.
M7 (7/1/2007) Turkey Pot Pie (*).

* Project Crossover Meal

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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