
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

11:22 PM >> EURO2007 >> Tuesday, April 3

Day 3, or "Two Days Late"
Rome, IT

So I wrote this post one time already, then Firefox ate it. [For as great as FF is on my work computer, it can really suck ass on my home computer.] So let me tell this tale again. Just two days into our European Visionquest, the Wifey was already tired of me dragging her around at breakneck speed. So in the morning I got to explore some Roman ruins by myself. Have I mentioned how enamored I am with 2,000-year-old structures? Here are three arcs of such age from the Colosseum, the Arch of Constantine, and the Palatine Hill, respectively. [What a nerd I am.] I decided to pay the entry fee for the PH since I figured M would want to see the Colosseum and the Forum with me.
I think I've mentioned how much it blows my mind to touch something that some Emperor of Rome probably touched. So that is what I did. I wonder if 2,000 years in the future now there will be a thumbprint-shaped depression in this here block because of my thumb acid. Yes I am really touching it, not hovering my thumb over it like some scared baby. That's just an Ancient Roman Optical Illusion [AROI].
Here is a Roman buttcrack. In front of the BC are the Spanish Steps, and behind them at the top of the Steps is the museum where they had to steal the Fabergé egg in Ocean's 12. [Later I'll explain how we managed to go on the Ocean's 12 European Tour.]
So now I'm going to tell you about may have been the most exciting moment of the entire trip. Meredith and I had decided to grab some lunch and some wine and head to the Steps to chill out and eat lunch. M was already jonesing for some food ala Americana, so she bought a simple lettuce & tomato sandwich.. We got to the Steps, made a toast, and started eating. My sandwich was awesome, but it turns out M's had a small catch. Turns out the tomato slices were RAW SALMON. The only way you could simulate the shock this caused would be if you were to ask someone to get you a cup of milk and they bring it back in a covered sippy-cup and when you take a gulp it's not milk but juice. (This also happened to Meredith when she was a kid.) Everything turned out swell because I got to eat that sandwich, and I loved it. It even had mayonnaise on it. Man do I dig those crazy European sandwiches!
Next up was the Pantheon. All this time I thought the Pan was a building dedicated to the old Roman gods, so I was excited to see some good old-fashioned staues of Zeus and pals. Turns out the building had been convereted into a shrine to Christianity. Boy, that's exciting. None of that type of stuff elsewhere in Rome.

P.S. Thanks for ripping off my photo, Wikipedia.
Did I mention there were an S-ton of cats in Rome? We found their secret hideout on our walk back to the hotel from the Pantheon. I couldn't believe that this secret cat hideout had existed since the ancient Roman times. I mean why else would it be dug down like that?

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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Melting Dolls
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real buried treasure
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