
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

10:38 PM >> Venus, Pickles, and Sohpie

With my cheapo garage sale binoculars in pocket I walked out to revisit Venus. I had seen her I think a couple of hours earlier, a shimmering little red speck in the sky just up and to the left of the moon. It was facinating. But now she was gone. There are clouds everywhere very low in the sky. I couldn't even find where the moon actually was, let alone a tiny little grain of a planet. It was disappointing.

At pizza dinner tonight I made a new creation. I'm always the garbage disposal for peoples' pickle slices that come with sandwiches. I was eating pizza and thought what the H. So I placed a chunk of the pickle slice on top of one of the cheese pizza's flavor bubbles and tried a fork full. It was excellent. The pickle was one of those that just had a light pickling to it. It was a nice touch with the cheese and dough. The pizza was light on sauce, so the bite was mainly just pickle, cheese, and pizza dough. I am going to pick up one of those Boboli pizza crusts where you add your own ingredients and make my very own pickle pizza. I think it'll be really good.

This young girl Sophie ate my beard tonight as a salutation to our dinner date. At first it was very cute. And then she would not give it back. Strapped in her car seat her daddy toted her off and she was prolly laughing. I was left faceless there in the parking lot. In addition to the beard she also snatched my right hand, my shifting hand. So I had a very difficult drive home. But darn she was cute so I can't wish heartburn on her from having ate up my beard. (heartburn is also caused by Italian Cuban sandwiches and jalapenos.)

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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