
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

12:29 AM >> Coffee times three

I currently own three different options for making coffee in my apartment. Each yeilds a unique flavor and consumption purpose. At the end of the post you'll find a group photo with everyone snuggled together. There are no jealosies among this bunch. Each machine knows his role and the importance of that role in my life. They live symbiotically to keep me caffeinated.

Option #1 >> This is the big old pot of coffee. The flavor is pretty much normal coffee. Sometimes some gourmet bean will sneak its way in, but overall just a big pot of coffee. The Big Boy shines on days when I'm going to be at home all day watching movies or transcribing video footage.

Option #2 >> This is a quick way to a fix, a flavored fix. Currently I have hazelnut and French vanilla pods at the ready. Pod System is an easy companion when I just need a cup or two before heading out the door or for a late night snack.

Option #3 >> The Little Italian makes 1 to 2 small cups of very concentrated, super strong coffee. It's always kind of the espresso taste without all the business and expense of those high techie espresso makers.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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