
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

9:09 AM >> Pepsi Jazz - photo proof

Thank you, Captain, for your post. It is bunk, however. P-Jazz changes people. Especially the Strawberries and Cream flavor. You seem not to trust my personal opinions of Pepsi Jazz so I conducted my very own survey of some folks at a local QuikTrip. Their direct testimonials provide the truth.

Here's is what the people had to say:
a. Albert Sweeny (Decatur, GA)
"Oh, yeah I love Pepsi Jazz. It really tastes awesome."
b. Donald Johnson (Tucker, GA)
"I don't so much care for the black cherry and french vanilla flavor, but that strawberries and cream is top shelf."
c. Lindy Samson (Alpharetta, GA)
"Is this for real? I'm so embarrased. But my kids love Pepsi Jazz. Isn't that right, Ricky [KID IN BACK SEAT]? RICKY: "Yeah, mom. Pepsi Jazz!"
d. Fred Muggles (San Diego, CA)
"I'm an SUV driver and an avid Jazz [Pepsi Jazz] fan."
e. Brian Bartlesby (Anniston, AL)
"Pepsi Jazz is so good - strawberries and cream. I drink it on the road all the time. I'm a traveling washer and dryer salesman."
f. Shadow of Dick Lambert (Alpharetta, GA)
"Me and my girls really think Pepsi Jazz is awesome. Donna loves the strawberries and cream."
g. Shadow of Amanda Melton (Atlanta, GA)
"Are you for real? I love it [Pepsi Jazz]."
h. My forehead (Me)
"Strawberries and Cream Pepsi Jazz is good. It's so good."

Well, Captain, there you have it direct testimonials that cannot be protested. You can see people really do love the drink.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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