
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

10:11 PM >> A Saturday Afternoon

Another inspiring passage of what it is to experience moment to moment from Henry Miller's Black Spring:

I am delirious because I am dying. I am dying so fast. Every second counts. I do not hear the second that has just ticked off--I am clinging like a madman to this second which has not yet announced itself.....What is better than reading Vergil? This! This expanding moment which has not defined itself in ticks or beats, this eternal moment which destroys all values, degrees, differences. This gushing upward and outward from a hidden source. No truths to utter, no wisdom that can be imparted. A gush and a babble, a speaking to all men at once, everywhere, and in all languages...The expanding moment that is heard forever....Talking to all men at once. A gush and a babble. This is the moment when I raise the glass to my lips, observing as I do so the fly that has settled on my pinkie; and the fly is as important to this moment as my hand or the glass it holds or the beer that is in the glass or the thoughts that are born of the beer and die with the beer.

Here's a picture for you to enjoy with this. My Aunt took it in Ireland.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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