
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

5:09 PM >> Superman vs. Movie and a Makeover, episode 1A

[Storyboard provided by S. Balzer production associate and only living crew member.]

Superman vs. Movie and a Makeover, episode 1A

Cobb Municiplality. A bright sunny day in the year 2000 and 6. A lone helpless production assisstant spots trouble in the sky. The dark and shadowy figure shadows the remote Movie and a Makeover home makeover shoot. Bravely standing his ground 'Tank' is no match for the powers of Superman.


The caped villian pounds relentlessly on the Tank's nuts. Leaving him out cold and unable to warn the rest of the crew. Wasting no time our camera man, two designer's assistants, and a carpenter fall victim to Superman's steel crushing fists. Leaving in his wake a splintered pile of purple-y painted wood trim that would be the piece de resistance of this never-to-see-completion mid-century modern kid's room makeover.

Physically drained Mr. Man raids the craft service table. He claims his spoils - a blueberry crumble cake muffin and a Diet Coke. Without pause for digestion he KWERSLACKS our designer and vanity artist. The producer having monitored all the bloody, horrid events on her crisp and clean LCD monitor is the next to fall.

Up Up and Away. The villian leaves with a smile. The Movie and a Makeover crew moans. And as for the viewing public, they can only mourn the day that Superman wiped out the crew of TBS' Movie and a Makeover.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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