
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

7:50 PM >> Opera of the Galactic Lion

Hailing to Earth from Stereophonoquam Z67 of the galaxy of the Pink Fleckled Moons comes Lion Face Stephens. He lands. He seeks out peace among men and feline. He is king of the jungle. Waving blind onion rags soaked in the bleach of far away suns Lion Face signs that he means no harm. He is the purveyor of peace. His first mate Edgar Superfrog follows him into the unknown a faithful servant, who is also mute. He does not speak the native tongue of the Stereophonoquam that being liney cuneiform. It is Lion Face singing to the reaches of space. Linking the peoples from Pink Fleckled Moons to those of all the intergalactic shores. It is Lion Face.

NOTE: This mini-tiny operetta inspired by Sweet Potato Carrot Crock. SPCC is chopped carrots and sweet potatoes with onions, some Worcestershire, honey, black pepper, a little cinnamon and ginger. Served with white corn on the cob and serano pepper honey cornbread. It received a rating of 6.34.

INTERESTING, UNRELATED, AND HOT: Here's a picture of some Habenero pepper poppers I made during my apprenticeship as sous chef to Chef Steve (left of peppers, he was taking a break from the ribs and checking in on my progress). Pictured here they are pre-breadcrumb breading and baking. They are stuffed with cream cheese. They were hot as hell. I ate one, was crying within 30 seconds, my tongue burned for 25 minutes while my body underwent a painful euphoria.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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