
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

9:50 PM >> Carpentry notes and Canadia

I went on a little Internet carpentry adventure today. Firstly I discovered some very interesting things about desks. Desks facinate me. Thomas Jefferson developed his very own special desk thingy.

A bureau is another really great type of desk.

Too, dressers excite me. There are just so many kinds. And they have all these different names. Of all time my favorite is the Chest of Drawers (pictured first, below). The name is just great. So cool. Another cooly named type of dresser is the Chifforobe (second picture). Wow. Nice one, whoever came up with that.

In the miscellaneous section are two items. One you'd find in a living room and the other in a kitchen. Not only is a Chesterfield a cigarette brand. But it's also a couch style, among some other things. You'll notice a lot of towns name themselves Chesterfield too.

And then the Appliance Garage, which is just the coolest. My parents have one. It's so much fun to use. It's almost like a space port in a space ship. I wish I had one of my own. It's kind of like a breadbox. But then again not exactly. It's still neat though. So are breadboxes too.

On this very subject I'd like to facilitate a geography lesson. Today we're going to learn to memory the provinces of Canada.

Here's a picture >>

And here's a memorization technique for the more important provinces >>

For bad heachaches BC (British Columbia) powder for Uncle Al (Alberta) when he's hunting the evily dangerous sasquach (Saskatchewan). He's a man (Manitoba). Oh (Ontario) he's a man. Questions (Quebec) anyone? Bueller?

(Newfoundland) the owner of the brown (Labrador) - he's got a question. Ask away. I'm starving. I could really use some brunswick stew (New Brunswick). Brunswick stew with (Nova Scotia) in it. I just hate the taste of Nova Scotia.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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