
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

11:08 PM >> A fruit, a desk, and a new home

First the fruit. It's called a Cherimoya. The story behind the fruit is 1 part amazement and 2 parts disappointment. The amazing thing is this fruit when sampled fresh (that was my first experience, a free in-store sample). It was kind of like a pineapple, pear, peachy-texture. It was really good. And exotic. So many exotic fruits at the grocery these days. Not like it was 15 years ago. It makes the produce section really fun to shop.

The dos disappointments are that #1 this one fruit cost me $3.29. I put it in the fridge thinking that would keep it fresh because I wouldn't be able to get to it right away. WRONG. That led to dis #2. After being in the fridge fruit drawer for a week or so the fruit totally dried up and became nastily bitter. I couldn't really even eat it. I should have read these very clear instructions before attempting the Cherimoya.

Next, the desk. I made this laptop desk out of the legs, which I found in the trash at work, and two pieces that I got in the "as-is" department at IKEA. It's fairly stable and a good height when I'm sitting in my recliner watching movies and stuff.

And finally, a new home. Adobe, rather. I repotted my orphaned cacti on Sunday. I have had a couple of my orphans die sense retrieving them from an earlier doom. I think I've lost a total of 2. One was doing really badly when I rescued them so I don't really count him. These three are really striving though. I think they'll like their new homes. According to the bag of potting soil they need to stay out of the direct sunlight for 2-3 days. Forgetting this until this morning they spent the night under a red colored heat lamp. I home that didn't screw things up.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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