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10:46 PM >> Ed's Two Olive Martini

This is my new favorite spirit beverage. It's the two olive martini. I don't know a lot about martinis so I may be off in actually naming this a martini. Here's what I do. I get a travel coffee mug with a lid. Inside of it I put about 4 to 5 pieces of ice. Sometimes 6. Then I pour in vodka. I shake it up and swirl it around. This accomplishes the chilled vodka effect, I quess. Meanwhile in a short glass I place two olives using a spoon. I also spoon in about 1.5 spoonfulls of olive juice. On top of that I pour the chilled mixture. If I am not going to be drinking it immediately I'll put the beverage in the fridge for a few minutes to keep it cool. If I am going to be immediately taking part I do so. Then when it's all over I eat the olives. According to the jar a serving of olives (4 olives, including pimentos) is 25 calories.

NOTE: Pictured is just a one olive martini. The formula and mixing process has been altered since this photograph. I could rename the drink Ed's olive martini #2. But that is pending a consumer research servey.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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