
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

10:20 PM >> Crazy Ingredient Turkey Loaf

Here's how it went down >>
1) I chopped and sauteed celery stalks/leaves and onion in an iron skillet that I got for christmas with basil infused olive oil and a little butter.
2) Meanwhile I cut a turkey polish kielbasa into large chunks, which I combined in a blender with about 4 ice cubes, lemon juice, red wine vinegar, pepper, and a couple spoonfuls of vanilla flavored yogurt.
3) I then mixed all that together and added in an egg, some chopped garlic, some more pepper, some chopped roasted jalepeno pepper, some cereal crumb mixture that I made a few weeks ago that had spices and stuff and corn meal in it, some American mustard, and a little Worecester sauce.
4) Using a Tupperware container I fashioned a loaf. Then somehow I transferred all this back to the iron skillet which was sprinkled with basil and pepper.
5) Let's not forget the leftover Ricotta cheese that I mixed in with the whole thing too.
6) I let the whole thing bake in the oven for about 1 hour and 20 minutes at 325 degrees.
7) I took it out and remembered that meatloaf usually has ketchup added on top at the end. So I added some Tobasco Ketchup to the top for an additional-ish ten minutes.
8) I let it sit and then I ate it.
9) It was awesome.

Rating: 8.67

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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