
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

11:43 PM >> crazzy bubble tea

crazy bubble tea the story coming soon.
here it is >>

the other day i was doing a run for work on buford highway which is notoriously vietnamese and mexican and such. i finished my business around lunch time. perfect. so i picked one of the handful of vietnamese restaurants to have lunch at. i ordered some grilled chicken and rice dish and had a hell of a time with the oversized chopsticks i was given. why is it that they use chopsticks anyways. as a utensil forks and spoons are so much more manageable. but i struggled through and dropped food from my mouth all over the place.

on the back of the menu they had a selection of "crazy bubble teas." i decided to order the honey dew melon one. crazy bubble teas have little tapioca pellets at the bottom of the glass that come up intermitenly with each sip. it was a lot of fun. but i still had a good deal of pellets left when i finished the drink so i decided to replenish at QT and got some rooster booster lite to mix in.

thats it.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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