
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

6:24 PM >> Cash Tendered

I've never been a fan of carrying leftovers in my car. I like leftovers. Nothing wrong with them. But leftovers and carry-out and drive-thru stink up the car. So having a truck I put them in the bed and secure them with a bungee or something. I just don't like having the stink in the cab of my truck. Now when it rains I have to suck it up. And if it's a rental--well then who cares.

So when I was asked to go to McD's and pick up a second meal for the Dinner and a Movie crew because we were running late it was no big deal to have a trunkload of McD's stowed away in the back of the rental SUV that I was driving. No big deal at all.

The funny thing was that when I pulled back into the studio lot the $100+ dollars I'd spent was for nothing. The day had wrapped and most of the crew were gone.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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