
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

1:20 AM >> English version of a letter written by a guy in France to the States #7


Hey, Dan. I thought I'd send you a stupid mail and let you know that I am in France. Yep. Totally. The chicks here are great. There is so much fun stuff. They have a zoo with about 10 primate exhibits. They are spread out over the grounds too, so you are always near one of them. The best one is by the concession stand. You wouldn't believe how different the funnel cakes taste here. They don't even call them funnel cakes, but some French name like ice cream cake hose. It is so strange. All the movies are cool. And the TV shows blow, man.


- Claude

[n.b. In regards to IHOP's funnel cakes I'll say that they are just too perfect. It's always a disappointment when the ad doesn't do justice to the reality of the dish that you are eating. But in the case of IHOP, their specialty items come out looking just a little too perfect. And that is an immediate turn off.

I commend them wildly for doing a funnel cake. But make it look like a funnel cake and not some item that belongs in a museum. There should be visible geasiness and the fruit compote shouldn't shine so beautifullyuly in the light.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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