
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

4:07 AM >> Bingo 65+

My apartment held BINGO today. I arrived a little late (10.15AM) to a room of six 65+ year old renters playing BINGO in the business center. There were doughnuts (glazed, chocolate, powdered, and bran). There were bran muffins. There were apple slices. Cheese chunks. Strawberries and watermelon that Colonel Emil Woernel ate fervently. And to sip OJ and coffee.

During my first round I won a very grandfatherly IZOD sweater. Other prizes included a fondu set and a throw blanket. The kind you "watch TV to" said the heavily accented older woman.

When asked by the BINGO caller if we were ready to start the next round, the Colonel replied, "I'm just like death, ready when you are." Everyone was in stitches after that comment.

One lady offered me a glazed d-nut but I declined. Next time I'll go on an empty stomach. Monthly bingo blogging you can now be ready for! You can expect that from now on. Because I was invited to join again next month.

I notced in my first round that I had the exact same card as the woman next to me, who once won a $500 pot playing bingo. She was big-tiime. I tried to conceal my win and let the others take the spoils. But they gave me the IZOD sweater anyway.

There were a lot of left overs. The Colonel took a bran muffin home with him. He was totally chowing down on the watermelon and strawberries the whole time too.

I asked when the poker tourney would be, which started two residents off discussing dominoes and all the different games (chicken foot, mexican train, and even playing for money). The elderly and their games. It's so cute.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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