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9:01 AM >> Babies don't have pockets

It is a widely known, studied, and reported fact that babies don't have pockets. That's just the way it is. To discount this truth, however, now and again anomalies will surface. A baby may spring forth with an artificial pocket. An attachment. A piece not of baby but affixed to baby. Babies now have OshKosk 'B-overalls or baby backpacks with storage capacity. Don't be fooled, these are not true pockets. They are not pockets in the adult sense of pocket-dom. Mostly they are never used, or it's the parents doing the pocketing of baby's paci or baby's mitten, or the pocket is just a decorative piece of the clothing to make the baby appear to be more adult in their dress, which people think is so cute.

Until recently I suffered from not enough pockets. I had so much stuff that I was hauling around in my pockets that I began to be weighted down. I'd forget which pocket something was in. Or I had difficulty fishing for the item at hand in my over-stuffed pockets. That was until recently.

Relief. I found the product that relieved my pocket problem. My utility holster from Pock-Its is the solution. I can fit the whole kitchen sink in there. It attaches to belts. Items are easy to find. It's fun. It's cool. It's durable. And the kiddies love it. But not the babies. Well, maybe the babies. Actually, yeah, I bet a baby would look ultra cool with one of these strapped to its bibbers.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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