
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

7:20 AM >> Accidents at home

In a 1997 study it was found that more than 28,000 deaths and 6.8 million injuries occurred from injuries in the home. For me, the story hits very close. I was almost a statistic. Just like those poor poor people in 1997.

I work from home many days. It is terrifying. At creep around every turn, expecting an oncoming 18-wheeler or worse a couger or a black bear with dripping fangs. I walk lightly, not wanting to cause an avalanche of brick, siding, and neighbors. My eyes are always trained just ahead of my steps, lest a misplaced thing like a hidden root or rock should trip me up. Little good is all this accident-conscious paranoia.

Even for those of us cooped up working in our homes traffic sucks. This morning on the way to work I tripped over my cat and bumped into the coffee table on the way out to the back porch. And I came this close [<---->]to getting a speeding ticket.

The danged officer was staked out. A total speed trap. I thought that was illegal or something. He was hiding behind the bookcase in my living room. I came around the corner and BINGO! Blue lights. It was so embarrassing. I tried to play sexy and get out of it, but he wasn't having any of that. Not on a Monday he wasn't.

I didn't get out of it. A court appearance is on the docket for next month. I'll probably plead nolo contendre or something. There's more though. It's quite more serious than a speeding ticket.

The cat's in nasty shape. Real nasty shape. I am fine. Just a tiny scratch on my knee where it hit (and cracked) the dash under my steering wheel. But the cat. Man, bad stuff there. I t-boned her and she went spinning around and whacked her little cat skull into the door jamb. She's in the Feline ICU now.

I hope she pulls through, cause I don't want Vehicular Felicide on my record, whether it is voluntary or involuntary. I do not want that. What would people think? They'd call me a cat killer. I think they would. I don't want that.

The world is a scary place. I don't like to leave my room anymore. There are just too many damn uncertainties out there. Too many unpredictables. Too many people turning into statistics.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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