
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

11:34 PM >> L&C, LLC - Very unwell from a violent cold

It was a very important day. There was scheduled a meeting that could mean everything. A meeting that was a serious-as-all turning point for the corporation. Lewis got to work extra early so he could flip through his notes and track down some emails that pertained to the things that they would be discussing.

He checked his blinking voice mail after settling in. He was not happy with what he heard.

Hey, Lewis, I know that the timing is all f-ed up, but I'm gonna be a little late today. Actually, I probably won't be in till after lunch. Dude, I'm sorry.

Typical of Clark, he thought. Typical assed timing. Today was the big meeting with some execs from another corporation who were likely going to offer L&C, LLC some major funds for their expedition. And in total Clark fashion he wasn't going to be showing up.

Lewis knew that Clark hated being in front of others. He hated presentation. He hate being on the spot. He hated all of this stuff. Lewis had recently given him a book to read that he thought would maybe spark some confidence in Clark. The book was Zig Ziglar's 'See You at the Top'. Lewis had given it to him 2 months previous at lunch. The occasion marked Clark's 8th anniversary with the company.

Obviously, Clark had been unmoved by the book. It was clear in the voice message that Clark was not sick. He tried to be convincing, with subtly placed hacks and sneezes. But the truth showed through. Lewis knew.

Clark was terrified. Fucking terrified. Clark was probably walking around his kitchen trying to rip open, trying to loosen the knots that had been grinding in his stomach. He was scared as hell.

Lewis slammed the receiver down without finishing the bullshit message. He missed the part where Clark said that his sinus drainage was clearing but had given him such a ...

"GOD DAMN YOU, CLARK!" Lewis exploded as he slammed the receiver down. He should have known this would happen. He should have never partnered. He knew Clark would never carry his weight. He knew that. And now this lame-o had a company credit card and was the month's recipient of the 'Employee of the Month' parking spot. That ass.

He knew. He always knew that Clark would flake. And here he was the morning of the big meeting, with no partner. He had no one who could take over if things got real heated and serious. HE was on his own. Clark would be at home or in the parking lot hiding out till the meeting was over and then he'd stroll in like he'd missed nothing. That stupid fucking Clark. That stupid flake.

Well guess what? They were here. They were waiting now in the lobby. Big surprise that Clark was still absent. He'd said so himself - that he'd probably be in after lunch. Convenient. They'd be gone by then.

So it was up to Lewis. It was all him. No partner to lighten the load. Just him. Just Lewis. Fuck Clark. He's out. Next chance there will be an announcement or a company distributed email announcing Clark's dismissal.

Bye bye, Clark.

Diplomatically, Lewis would break it to Clark at lunch. They'd go to Mexican. They went to Mexican at least twice a week. After each of them had dipped a couple of chips, Lewis would break it to him.

Clark being hurt, disappointed, and unsure of what he was now going to do with his life would eat a good deal more complementary tortilla chips than usual. He'd have to request another basket before his Speedy Gonzales arrived. Speedy - the cheap assed bastard. Lewis always ordered the lunch fajitas, special #5.

He's out, Lewis thought. But that was not the reality. Lewis couldn't dump Clark. Lewis needed Clark. Stomach ulcer or not. Present or not for the big meeting. Lewis needed Clark.

In frustration, Lewis slammed the receiver down again. Twice. He slammed it hard. Then he said to himself, "Fuck you, G-Dammit, Clark. GD you!"

Lewis was furious. Fruious and helpless. It would be just him today representing L&C, LLC.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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