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8:54 PM >> Thermos Test #2

Thermos Test #1 >> SUCCESS

A little background may be necessary here. Over the last few weeks since Christmas I have on two occasions put my new stainless steel thermos to the test. As you can see above, I am quite happy with the gift. I asked for the gift specifically, which always cheapens the thrill of the giving season. However, the idea was kind of a whim. I thought how nice it would be to blend in with all those trendy folks who carry their own thermy to work. Sure Starbucks is cool, but it's loosing it's appeal I think. People are just not buying or not wanting to support this corporate monster. It's happening all over the place. No one like Wal-Mart any more, except me. They've got really cheap prices which I love. I think the new move is to people brewing at home and then transporting their favorite coffee to work in their own thermos. I have seen it. In the public transit systems. In the bumper to bumper traffics all over the nation. They're going mad about it. These thermoses are portable, futuristic looking, and ones like mine hold a half liter (or no, a liter orrr maybe it is a half liter) of coffee. Dang. So, it's perfect. Enough on that.

Now on to the tests...
#1 > My brother was attempting to install a car radio in his girlfriend's car. I told him this was a mistake from the very beginning. My Dad advised as well. He was unmoved. It was a Saturday. We live on the third floor of our apartment complex. I had just made a big pot of coffee. So I hatched the first test. I was going to test the amount of coffee that this thing was going to hold and to see if it even worked at all. So I poured the coffee in and took two mugs down to the parking lot. I poured one cup for my brother and two for myself. It poured fine. It transported the coffee from A to B. And it poured about three 8oz cups of coffee. > SUCCESS

#2 > I made another pot of coffee and hatched test #2. This test was going to be a little more time consuming and scientific. It involved me starting my watch at 8:30am. That's when I poured the coffee into the thermy. Then I got in my car and poured a bit into a travel mug. I took a few sips to make sure the transport from the apartment down to the parking lot was still working. It was. And the coffee tasted just fine. Now it was off to do some errands. I got some gas. I went to the library and at about 11:30, 2 hours later, I left my seat at the library and went outside for a coffee break. I poured my second cup. It was still hot, which I expected, but it was nice to see that my thermos was really doing its job. Then I finished up things at the library and went home and messed around on the computer and then had lunch. It was now between three and four hours since pouring the first cup and things were still hot in there. Hot and fresh tasting. Long experiment short, I tested the last of the mug 6 hours later to yet another great tasting and not cold cup of coffee. Amazing! > SUCCESSFUL RESULTS, SURPRISED

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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