
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

9:09 AM >> Some mornings

Some mornings I wake up thinking, "Man it's early." When turning to look at my watch I often find that it is true. My watch and my head are often in perfect synch. I like that. While I rely on my watch, it's comforting to know that if something should happen, for instance, if I were to accidentally run over my watch one day, I could proceed without the crushed cogs.

Of course I don't trust myself completely. That evening I'd go out and buy a new one. Good watches are cheap these days. Now you can go out and spend $300 on some watch with a fancy name, bejeweled in silver, but just a good digital watch with an alarm, a velcro band, and a useless water resistant feature at up to 1000 meters is cheap. I'd say less that $20. That's the kind of watch for me. I prefer that to a Tag or a Rolex.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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Archie's Blood Car
Captain Scurvy
Corporal's Sister
Instrument Brain
Keith Olbermann
Lethal Gene Load
Luggage & Assorted   Carry-On
Me & Throckmorton P.   Binky
Melting Dolls
pease porridge
real buried treasure
self titled
Somewhere in Utah

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