
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

1:49 AM >> The Incredible Journey

I am the CORPORAL. I am courageous. Tonight I braved ATL Ice Storm 2005 to make a trek to retrieve two (2) McRibs from the local McDonald's.

This story should be prefaced by the explanation that I was scheduled to attend a wedding tonight with my wife (M), but when we tried to leave this our house to go to it at five o'clock this afternoon, we were stuck behind an SUV that could not make it up the hill out of the neighborhood due to iced-over streets. Needless to say, we figured our Honda Civic would be toast on these ice-sheets, so we returned home.

Around 8:00 PM I was going stir-crazy from having been cooped up in the house all day (aside from the random occasions I got to take the puppy outside to poop, by which I mean take the puppy out and watch him flip out over the ice and snow and eat leaves encased in ice straight off the bush). So I left to walk to McDonald's and also Blockbuster.

Yes the sidewalks were completely iced over.
Yes I took a ligher in case of coldness emergency.
No I did not wear cramp-ons.
Yes it would have been safer to drive.
Yes I busted my ass (one time).
No I did not get any McRibs.
Yes McDonald's closed early due to inclement weather.
Yes I still walked up to the door even though all the lights were off.
No Blockbuster was not open either.

In fact, the only place that was open--not Cici's, not Publix, not Checker's--was a Chinese restaurant. I guess because they don't celebrate American Holidays. And what is a more American Holiday than Snow Day?

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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Archie's Blood Car
Captain Scurvy
Corporal's Sister
Instrument Brain
Keith Olbermann
Lethal Gene Load
Luggage & Assorted   Carry-On
Me & Throckmorton P.   Binky
Melting Dolls
pease porridge
real buried treasure
self titled
Somewhere in Utah

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