
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

10:15 PM >> Squabbling Sisters

SIS #1
Shut up!

SIS #2
You started it. You started it. I am telling mom.

SIS #1
You are such a BABY and a tattle tell. You suck.

SIS #2
I hate you. And I wish you were never born. I hate this family. I am running away. And you can tell mom that I hate her cooking too. I have never liked it. I think it sucks. Her noodles are always soggy and things always get burnt. And you and dad and Scotty always pretend to like it. You always smile and say, "OH, mom! The stroganoff is sooooo goood." And, "This is the best chicken I've ever had!" Man what a lie. You guys lie to mom and lie to yourselves all the time. You're worthless. And no one at school likes you. Even your friends hate you. Cause I heard them talking about you. They said stuff like, "Yeah she's so stupid and did you see those shoes. Totally from Wal-mart. What a cheap slut." They didn't say slut, but I added that in, cause that's what you are - a slut. And dad is such a jigalo. Why did he start wearing all that gaudy fake gold jewelry. Man that is so 80s and so Mafia. We aren't even in the Mafia. And we never could be with the way mom screws up dinner all the time. Do you think those greasy guys would stand for burnt up eggplant Parmesan? No way. They shoot her dead. Totally. Maybe we should be in the Mafia. God, I hate you. Ugggghhhh!

SIS #1
You don't even have any friends to hate you! You are a hermit and you smell. The reason you don't like mom's cooking is because you don't get the real food us humans eat. We give you the leftover slop from the dog's dish, after the maggots and the worms have gotten into it. Mmm, Mmm, nothing like a little seasoning to make a meal just right! As for me being a slut, at least I have a job. You are a freeloader and you smell. Dad can wear whatever he wants. He only has 2 months left on this earth, so you should show a little compassion. The contract on his life expires in March. You should be thankful you have a family. You could still be roaming with that pack wild rats had it not been for us. For your insolence, you will be punished, severely.

SIS #2
You betrayed our family when you slept with dad's best friend just so we could have a swimming pool like all the other families in the neighborhood. All the little rich girls that you want to be like. Oh, daddy buy me this, buy me that, can I get a Walkman for Christmas and a portable TV set, Jenny has one. I want one. I want I want I want. Well you little B I hope you got what you want. You'll never get your dirty little virginity back. I can't believe you slept with Steve. Dad's best friend. The pool installation guy. Just so Dad could get a couple of thou' knocked off under the table. That is so wrong! So wrong. You're a slut and a half and will always be one.

SIS #1
I did not sleep with Steve. Neither one of use were sleeping, if you know what I mean. Oh, but you wouldn't. No female, human or animal would come within 100 yards of you. The stench is just that strong. People have mistaken your stench for maggot-filled decomposing corpses lying in a trench of human waste. Your stench caused the hole in the ozone. You're the reason for global warming. The film makers of The Day After Tomorrow should have consulted you before making the film. Oh, but they couldn't, because they couldn't get that close. They couldn't even do a conference call because the stench would burn the phone lines and cause serious damage.

** Written with the help of once upon a time co-worker Dot, who played the part of Sis #1.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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