
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

1:03 AM >> We are so fucked

I don’t think it is how Kerry managed to lose that is so depressing to us but rather the fact that we are now faced with four more years of the U.S. bullying the rest of the world, destroying almost all diplomatic relations (yes, I know, Britain is still our best bud—at least until Tony Blair gets the boot), letting the drug companies dictate our health care programs, underfunding education so as to fund our oil-based aggression across the globe, cutting taxes while raising spending on the aforementioned aggressions (cut your income but increase your spending, that is a sound fiscal policy), setting up our children to have to pay the bill being racked up right now, doing the sloppiest job ever of nation building in Iraq (those missing munitions were never proved to have disappeared before our invasion; most evidence points to us f-ing that up), raping and pillaging the environment in the name of corporate profits, setting people up for doomed retirements by privatizing social security, further erosion of our civil liberties, Christian values being shoved down our throats, a probable Constitutional amendment writing discrimination into law, sky-high gas prices due to the constant unrest in the Middle East, an even larger furthering of the gap between the two sides of America that is already the farthest apart it has ever been (if that’s even possible), and, last but not least, four more years of having to look at that smug, brainless A-holes goofy smirk as he sells America more B.S. and they eat it right up. And let’s not forget that this is Bush’s second term, so he will want to make his mark on history and doesn’t have to worry about reelection—the scariest combination I’ve ever dreamed of.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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