
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

12:12 AM >> Such a long time

It has been 21 days since I last posted. Three weeks. Feels like three years. What happened to my inspiration? Is it the work-travel? The election? Depression? Do I go through depressive cycles without realizing it? I have been depressed lately. Maybe that is it. And the depression is caused by the work-travel. But this feels good. It feels right. I only wish I felt like posting more often. But I have to be struck; be inspired. Once I start, though, if I hit the current, it just flows. And I love it. I especially enjoy creating words by hyphenating two nouns together but using the first noun as an adjective-descriptor (i.e. work-travel). I think I learned this trick from The Hobbit.

The one thing that keeps recurring in my mind as I am trying to go drift off to sleep that really disturbs me and truly makes me squirm in my bed (rather, the hotel's bed) is the thought of eating my own tongue with a fork and knife while it is still attached in my mouth. You know, cutting it off piece by piece like you would a steak. It seems I always have some sort of thought like this that crawls through my mind like a nest of spiders every night for months--I remember the last one was something along the lines of cutting og my nutsack with a straight razor.

Disturbed yet?

Time to kill another 40 minutes with cold, dried-out pizza, a Bud Light tall boy or two, and Harry Potter rumors.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

Blogs We Read >>
Archie's Blood Car
Captain Scurvy
Corporal's Sister
Instrument Brain
Keith Olbermann
Lethal Gene Load
Luggage & Assorted   Carry-On
Me & Throckmorton P.   Binky
Melting Dolls
pease porridge
real buried treasure
self titled
Somewhere in Utah

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Reference >>
TV Tome
How to Bake a Potato

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