
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

6:36 PM >> The Pudding Congeals

Ok, here's something they don't tell you. Pudding congeals. Big time. I made a test batch of a Butterscotch Chocolate Nutty Pudding Wedding Pie. I made the pie crust, inserted the ingredients, and then put it in the fridge. Then the next day I tried a sliver. It was really good. Then the next day I unwrapped the thing and in the space of the eaten sliver was this nasty semi-gooey-but-mostly-runny pudding congealation. It really looked nast, but I sopped it up with a paper towel and made another full slice for myself. It was still good. It tasted fine, I thought. My brother saw the whole ordeal. He was in the kitchen making omelets for himself and his girlfriend. I told him not to mention it too anyone. I hope he hasn't. I mean really though it tasted fine. I even had another slice after dinner tonight and it was still good. I think the congeal-stuff is fine to eat. It just looks weird and people don't think it is very appetizing. But I think, even outside of the pudding pie form - you know, just regular pudding - that pudding is going to congeal a little. I am doing a test on this with some Butterscotch Chocolate Nutty Cherry Pudding that I made today. It is not in pie form. In it's normal form I think people would just mix the congeal back into the pudding with a spoon and pretend they didn't even see it. So I think it's fine. But I will let you know.

This morning I made a weird omelet. It was made with roasted garlic and pizza sauce. I sauteed the garlic in butter and then did the omelet thing. Then when it was cooked I just poured pizza sauce in and folded it over. No cheese or meat or anything. Oh, but I did put capers in it too. I really like capers. When you use them, you have to wash them off in the sink with cold water, because the juice they come in is really salty. I think that capers have a bittery mustardy taste when you bite into them. The omelet experiment was really good. I went right to sleep after I ate it. That's not a bad thing, or a good thing - that's just what I did.

I am tempted to experiment with an omelet again tomorrow. This one is going to be a pudding omelet. I am really contemplating doing it, but I don't know if I will. It would be really running. I wish I could add something with the pudding to make it less runny. Like some kind of biscuit or muffin-ish dumpling to soak up some of the runniness once it goes in the omelet.

I let you know.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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