
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

6:19 AM >> Odd Jobs and a Tiny Pouch of Coins

I want the following for the next part of my future:
I want to move to a new city.
Somewhere large and with large building and many streets.
I want to live in Ireland.
I want little possessions.
I want to drink coffee every morning early in a little familar place (not home).
I want odd jobs.
I want just enough money for my morning coffee and a beer at night.
I want to be an expat.
I don't want a car.
I want to carry a satchel that contains the following items: notepad, some pens, smokes, a hat that i wear on occasion, a time piece.
I want to be connected to the Internet.
I want to be stared at by people sitting nearby -- they'll wonder at just who the hell I am.
I want to be part of some performing group.
I want hard labour.
I want to be freed of all my magazines.
I want to read old books, mostly by expat. I'll read fiction and non-fiction alike.
I want a great pair of boots. They'll be my only shoes.
I want a large collection of records at my disposal.
I'll drink tea too, when appropriate.
I like the rain.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

Blogs We Read >>
Archie's Blood Car
Captain Scurvy
Corporal's Sister
Instrument Brain
Keith Olbermann
Lethal Gene Load
Luggage & Assorted   Carry-On
Me & Throckmorton P.   Binky
Melting Dolls
pease porridge
real buried treasure
self titled
Somewhere in Utah

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TV Tome
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