
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

10:20 PM >> Slim with the Tilted Brim

This is typically how the conversation goes:

"Hey, you look like... Um... What's his name?"
"David Arquette?"
"Yeah, you look just like that guy!"

You see, apparently I look 94 - 98% like David Arquette. [I believe we especially have the same eyes.] And I honestly get told that I look like that spaz [not that I care about his spazzisity] an average of once a week--typically by cashiers at various stores. I have to admit that it is pretty neat that so many people think I look like "ole DA"--especially if I one day meet Courteney Cox and she thinks the same.

The only downside is that I always feel these conversations end awkwardly, at least to me. You see, after exchanging a few sentences about how I look like David Arquette, I am never sure what to say.

"You look just like that guy!"
"Yeah, I hear that pretty often, actually."
"Oh yeah?"
"Sure, about once a week--it's great."
"Well, you really look just like him."

At this point, the transaction is typically completed, and the ball is in my court. But what to say? "Thanks?" That's what I always feel like saying. But how weird is that? Am I being paid a compliment? "I'm glad you noticed?" That's a little creepy. But, I guess I am kind of glad. [That's why I say "it's great."] "See ya?" Too blunt. "You look famous, too." Too much of a lie. [Unless it is a hot chick. Because lines like that always work.]


"Thanks for noticing." Yes, I think that will do. Either that or drop everything and run like hell.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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