
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

9:10 PM >> One Simple Ingredient and Some Catch-Up.

Before I begin, Captain, I thoroughly enjoy yer standard old blog. Forget the crap I was spluttering about you entering yourself into some lunatic blog experiment. It is satisfying as is. As for Vonnegut's use of Arabic symbols, I have always preferred the grammatically designed design of number, which is something like write out anything that is shortly written, otherwise resort to Vonnegut's preferred Arabic system. Corporal, toilet paper is a tough sell. We all know it is. You can show butts in commercials and you surely can't show streaks of doo, so a guy dropping out of a plane with a roll is as close as we're gonna come to reality in the unreality of the TV commercial. I personally hate it when my frickin' cat (which is really my brother's cat) destroys half or more of a roll of my toilet paper roll when he sneaks into my bathroom. Some engineer needs to spend his time in the prevention of that. Captain just add some peanut butter to your celery and you'll be in the clear -- no fear Captain, no fear. I wish Passions was a tad bit funnier. Where's the comic relief? Corporal could you get any more mathematic about your fruit snacks. Nice. good work.

So now. One simple ingredient can make all the difference. I will testify to that. I recently came into about 6-8 cups (or six to eight, rather) of coconut this week and needed an outlet for it. I searched Google for a coconut cream pie recipe. Then I made sure I had all the necessary things. Then I cooked. It wasn't so creamy. I realized why when I went to the fridge the next morning. I had forgot the milk. Batch #1 was more cake-y than pie-y, but still good. It was a sort of coconut cornbread, sans cornmeal. Batch#2 worked better, though I would have liked to experiment (my Mom said no. She said go by the book.) If I don't experiement or comtemplate very hard about experimenting, I feel like an uncreative wastoid. So from now on I vow to experiment. If I didn't add cinnamon, you can be damn sure that I thought hard about it. Batch #2 is pretty damn good, especially with a little butterscotch squirt on it.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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