
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

7:55 AM >> On the Road of Evolution

Complete complacency versus comfort on the road of evolution - there is only one clear path. That path is the one of comfort. Comfort with your situation steers toward evolution. While complacency is a brick wall. Once you are grounded and built upwards from a cornerstone there's no hope of making change. But if you just continually remain comfortable with the state of things, you've got room to grow.

Which all reminds me of an Airforce saying that I likey very much.

It is:

"Flexibility is the key to air power;
Indecision is the key to flexibility."

Did you know that Monkeys and Apes were once Toads and Fishes which were once Tiny Cells and Mid-Sized Cells which were prior just Flakes of Dirt and before that it was all just a mess of Gas. Before the Gas was Nothingness.

So, Chicken or the Egg?

Easy. Nothing. Before the Chicken begat the Egg or Eggie begatted Chick-a-dee there was a Fluff of Smoke. Poof! Then things all started rollin' off the roof - dust, cells, amphibians, primates, on up to we bi-pedular, thinking, fighting, creating humaniods.

No, we don't lay eggs and most of us are afraid of heights. But that's no damn reason not to jump in a plane, just because it might crash itself somewhere between here and Canada. Fly, man. Cross the puddle, jump the moon, climb the tree, leap off the top of the barn. And land your previously gaseous little ass in bucket 2 feet in diameter full of water. Make a splash. Belly flop. Dry out the lake. Dredge the bottom. Get down, man. But first climb high. Get down, boogie.

When it's done, there's a clean towel in the cabinet. It's just been taken out of the dryer. It's warm and smells like a mountain spring, but pleasant without all the fishy, muddy, peat scent. Dry yourself off. Lay down and resty a bit.

Call me when you wake up.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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