
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

6:56 AM >> Did you know?

It is the innocent young hooligan breeds that slide and slither through the hands of jubilant snakes. Sad, huh. Or scary is it? Are you scared? I am. I am no hooligan though. I am nice. Nice as can be -- on average that is. It really just an above average state of niceness, cause I only get nasty on occasion and typically I am nice. That means I am not nice as can be (100%). I do slip up here and there. We all do. There may in fact be studies out there that prove that we are all crazy. To some extent. Can you imagine? What if there was (there is) a little crazy in all of us. It is prolly good we're not all out getting diagnosed. What would the world come to if it came out that everyone was crazy and unless we all got medicated soon the entire earth would soon wiggle free of its axis? There'd be some sort of trial for that one. Someone would be to blame for either instigating the craziness or for leaking the secret. Oh, my God. I hope it's not me. I had no intentions of starting some witch hunt. I was just pointing out that no one is 100% perfect.

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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