
 >> Captain, Corporal, Ensign >>

11:22 PM >> Ya, ya, sure, eh?

On Saturday I got sunburned while scrambling across boulders in 80 degree weather. [Georgia]
Today I watched snow fall outside my window. {Minneapolis}

I ate tonight at what might be the coolest restaurant ever: Rainforest Cafe

This place is insane. The whole place, located in the Mall of America, is an open-air setup, as in there are no walls between the restaurant and the outside [outside = inside mall], but there are an A-ton of fake jungle vines hanging down. Inside, there are huge-A aquariums, fake monkeys, stone elephants with scary red eyes, a fake starry-night sky [fiber optic!], and all sorts of jungle sounds. [The elephant noises made this poor kid sitting next to me cry.] But no written description can do this place justice. You really gotta just check it out for yourself. The best part is the appetizer menu--all of the titles have some sort of jungle adjective in them, so you get to choose from Tsunami Shrimp Cocktail, Leaping Lizard Lettuce Wraps, Flying Dragon Pepperoni Pizza [because of the jungle dragons], and... Cheese Sticks. Not "Molten Lava" Cheese Sticks, not even "Tribal" Cheese Sticks. Just... Cheese Sticks.

There is an indoor pool at the hotel I am staying at. [Indoor only, no outdoor] One of the rules posted at the pool states "No running and boisterous or rough play allowed." Now, who would the hotel proprietors want to read these rules? Kids, I would assume. What kind of freakin' kid would know the word "boisterous" or EVER think that he was conducting himself in a "boisterous" manner???

Also, in the workout room there was a set of rules posted. One read "Use of workout room prohibited for anyone under the influence of alcohol, stimulants, or depressants." I drank two cups of coffee before I worked out. I hope they don't catch me...

[riddle wrapped in
enigma stuffed inside
burrito swallowed by
whale sprayed to
sea captured by UFO]

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